The story Behind the prints

Welcome to my world! I’m Gisela Stefanetti, a Fashion and Print Designer with more than 16 years of experience in the fashion industry, both as a designer and buyer. My journey has been marked by a profound passion for design, a keen eye for prints, and a deep understanding of the fashion business.
Here, you’ll discover a creative print collection that embodies my passion, knowledge, with a strong focus on achieving exceptional results



I’ve had the privilege of standing on the other side, carefully selecting prints to enhace my creations, allowing me to understand even further the print business at its core.
I’ve also contributed to unique collaborations between retail brands and top artist and designers, helping transform their creative visions into tangible, captivating exclusive collections, a process that has added immense value to the brands I’ve worked with.
My path in the fashion industry has been one of exploration, innovation, and creativity All of this expertise and know-how have been the foundations of GS Print Studio, a place where clients can take their business to the next level.



I’ve had the privilege of standing on the other side, carefully selecting prints to enhace my creations, allowing me to understand even further the print business at its core.
I’ve also contributed to unique collaborations between retail brands and top artist and designers, helping transform their creative visions into tangible, captivating exclusive collections, a process that has added immense value to the brands I’ve worked with.
My path in the fashion industry has been one of exploration, innovation, and creativity All of this expertise and know-how have been the foundations of GS Print Studio, a place where clients can take their business to the next level.



I’ve had the privilege of standing on the other side, carefully selecting prints to enhace my creations, allowing me to understand even further the print business at its core.
I’ve also contributed to unique collaborations between retail brands and top artist and designers, helping transform their creative visions into tangible, captivating exclusive collections, a process that has added immense value to the brands I’ve worked with.
My path in the fashion industry has been one of exploration, innovation, and creativity All of this expertise and know-how have been the foundations of GS Print Studio, a place where clients can take their business to the next level.


How We
Help You

Ever wondered how mastering print’s technical side can help your branding? At GS Print Studio, we have the answers.

Our secret? Market research, design briefs, expert print and color guidance, and trend insights combined with expert garment design eye. These tools will transform your brand through print development.

Plus, our expertise cover all print processes and artistic techniques, from handmade, artisanal, to digital, and even AI collaboration. Our vision is a world where innovation meets style, making your prints that truly stand out come to life

How We
Help You

Ever wondered how mastering print’s technical side can help your branding? At GS Print Studio, we have the answers.

Our secret? Market research, design briefs, expert print and color guidance, and trend insights combined with expert garment design eye. These tools will transform your brand through print development.

Plus, our expertise cover all print processes and artistic techniques, from handmade, artisanal, to digital, and even AI collaboration. Our vision is a world where innovation meets style, making your prints that truly stand out come to life

How We
Help You

Ever wondered how mastering print’s technical side can help your branding? At GS Print Studio, we have the answers.

Our secret? Market research, design briefs, expert print and color guidance, and trend insights combined with expert garment design eye. These tools will transform your brand through print development.

Plus, our expertise cover all print processes and artistic techniques, from handmade, artisanal, to digital, and even AI collaboration. Our vision is a world where innovation meets style, making your prints that truly stand out come to life

What to expect of GS PRINT STUDIO?

At GS Print Studio, we focus on delivering captivating print results that perfectly fit your brand’s voice. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures each print embodies your unique identity. It’s more than ink on fabric; it’s your brand’s vision turned into unforgettable prints that leave a lasting impression.

What to expect of GS PRINT STUDIO?

At GS Print Studio, we focus on delivering captivating print results that perfectly fit your brand’s voice. Our meticulous attention to detail ensures each print embodies your unique identity. It’s more than ink on fabric; it’s your brand’s vision turned into unforgettable prints that leave a lasting impression.

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